Unity is great at all the things RPG Maker lacks, but it lacks all the JRPG fundamentals RPG Maker ships with standard. (There was even a time where getting a basic 2D pixel art-friendly camera working took some knowhow, but thankfully recent Unity releases have put some emphasis on Quality-of-Life for 2D developers.) You might be able to download some of the missing pieces from the Asset Store, but those assets cost money, and they tend to break over time as Unity's internal systems change with new updates, and asset developers tend to abandon niche products once the money runs dry. No RTP tilesets to use as a base, either. From 4-directional sprite-based character movement to turn-based combat, Unity doesn't have it. This means everything you'd expect from something like RPG Maker or Godot is something you'll need to implement yourself from C# code. Lacks RPG-specific features common in other engines Unity is built from the ground up as a general purpose game engine, and ships with only very basic assets, most of which are geared towards 3D games.